Foss Lab
- Kernel configuration, compilation and installation: -Download / access the latest kernel source code from, compile the kernel and install it in the local system.
- Installing various software packages: – The student can practice installing the latest version. Of course, this might need internet access.
- GUI programming: – Using eclipse software development tool student can design any project in various languages like php, java, etc.
- Develop free and open web-based resources to help other colleges and community groups get involved, including a repository of software tools and support materials.
- Take the lead role in identifying technologies for different applications for the government, public enterprises, educational institutions, small business, individuals and other key sectors.
- Work with local, national and international institutions and networks working in the FOSS domain in order to share experiences and to learn from one other.
- Student would get an opportunity to lay hands on Autodesk design software, understand principles of 3D design &clear doubts
- Student Should Learn Languages Like PHP, Perl, Python, Android etc. to Develop an Application as per Requirement.
- Will Arrange Workshop on PHP and Developing Projects in PHP .Using open source IDE (Eclips PDT, Code Lite Etc)
- Will Arrange Workshop on Java and Developing Projects In Java and Android. Using open Source IDE (NetBeans, Eclips, Android Studio etc)
- FOSS for business: -Open source is no longer hanging around the periphery of the business conversation.
- Multimedia: -With tools like Audacity and OpenShot, you can do just about anything with audio or video you need.
- Cloud: – The major players in the cloud are open source. Red Hat, Ubuntu, SUSE, Amazon, and Rackspace they all get it and know that open source is the best solution for cloud deployments.
- Big data: – Big data and open source now go hand in hand. Innovations like in-memory data and live kernel patching make open source an ideal solution for big data.
- Development: – Developing with open source is a no-brainer. PHP, Python, Java jdk 1.7 there are as many languages to develop with as there are tools.
- Security: – The route to security is a challenging one the open source security route will take a bit more time to deploy.

Name: Mr. Prashant B. Patil
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.E (CN)
Department: Computer Science & Engineering